Eating Disorder Counselling

Eating disorders usually arise as a result of negative self body image. Eating disorders are usually associated with young women, however men and women of any age can be affected.

Common Eating Disorders include:

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa is characterised by self-imposed starvation and severe weight loss. It is often accompanied with excessive exercise.

Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa involves cycles of binge eating followed by purging (vomitting), excessive consumpition of laxatives, excessive exercise, and/or restrictive eating.

Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder involves eating without any compensatory behaviour (such as purging or laxatives). This can result in dramatic fluctuations in weight.


Left untreated Eating Disorders can be life-threatening. Accordingly early intervention is essential. At Tonic Psychology our psychologists are experienced in effective treatments for Eating Disorders.

We will help you to understand how your eating problem developed and provide you with ways to manage these underlying issues.

We can help you to overcome your anxiety about weight and develop respect for yourself, your body and your life, so that you can enjoy a healthy self image and maintain a healthy weight range.

To find out how we can help call Tonic Psychology on 1300 668 256.

Symptoms of Eating Disorders

You may be at risk or be suffering from an eating disorder if:

  • You are obsessed about food and your weight

  • You frequently weigh yourself and exercise excessively

  • Your eating patterns are unhealthy (restrictive or bingeing)

  • You experience rapid fluctuation in weight

  • Your menstruation cycle changes or becomes irregular

  • You have poor dental health such as gum disease

  • You are depressed, anxious and moody

If you or someone you love has an issue with their weight, make a counselling appointment with us today.

Medicare Rebates

Medicare rebates are available for psychological treatment by Clinical or General psychologists. Medicare have introduced a range of new items to help support a model of best practice evidence-based treatment plans for eligible clients presenting with eating disorders. These new items include a course of psychological treatment services (40 psychological sessions in a 12-month period) and additional dietetic treatment services (up to 20 treatment services in a 12-month period).

This scheme provides considerable financial assistance to people living with mental heath problems, allowing them greater access to psychologists and providing more affordable mental healthcare.

To access the Medicare Rebate, you need your general practitioner, psychiatrist or paediatrician to complete a detailed mental health assessment and prepare a Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan before referring you to a psychologist.

You may be eligible to receive Medicare rebates 2-3 business days into your bank account when paying at the conclusion of your session. 

Call: 1300 668 256 to make an appointment with one of our psychologists today who can assist you with eating disorders.


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